After the birth of a new baby, the families felt so excited that they often want to tell everyone to share this fantastic news. There are many options when it comes to finding birth announcements, and the best way to announce a new born baby’s arrival in the family is by throwing a party. Go ahead and send the invitations with one of the stunning birth photos to your friends and relatives and we are sure that each one of them would love to be a part of your happiness.
If your baby isn't quite coming on schedule, you're probably wondering to yourself how you're going to make it happen. This video will show you countless natural methods to getting your body to begin labor, be sure to keep a piece of paper and a pen, there's a lot to take down!
If you're looking for a great baby shower gift, you should try making a diaper cake. This is an easy and fun gift to make that only take around $50+ to make. You can use a variety of different ingredients to make this cool looking gift that is sure to bring joy into the world. Not only does it look cool, but it will make everyone else's gift look little. So sit back and enjoy!
Giving birth is not a walk through the park and there are always concerns from the mother-to-be. Doctors speak about the procedure in applying an epidural talk about different kinds of pain medications available. As much as the mom is concerned, they touch base on what the father's role is during the procedures are as well.
Does that baby just not want to budge? If you are towards the end of your pregnancy, or long overdue and nothing seems to be working, check out this tutorial. In this video you will receive tips from Dr. Lisa Gibbons, an OB/GYN at Cascadia Women's Clinic in Vancouver, Washington. Dr. Gibbons will share with you all of her expertise on how to make that baby come faster and give your body a break.It's important to remember that self-inducing labor techniques are not medically proven, but...
In this video, we learn how to ease labor pains during birth. One way is to move your body and try different birthing positions. This will open up different parts of the pelvis and help more than lying down. Once you receive an epidural you won't be able to get up, so make sure you do these exercises during early labor. As long as your health care provider allows it, do these before you receive drugs. Any of these will help during contractions and help with pain during labor. Every woman is...
It's not unusual to feel a little down after giving birth. You've been through a major life event, and your mind and body are recovering. Postpartum depression is more serious than the typical "baby blues" that can occur after childbirth. Learn how to identify this condition so you can treat it and spend more time enjoying your baby.
Ouch! Is your baby's bottom red and sore? Say goodbye to diaper rash with these tried-and-true remedies.You Will Need:* Diapers* Diaper-rash cream* Unscented baby wipes* Unscented, alcohol-free soap* Washcloths* A squirt bottle (optional)* Cotton balls (optional)* Warm water (optional)
Your pregnancy is finally over! Now, your newborn baby is ready to breast feed... and you've got the breast milk? but somehow its not that simple. Watch this video to get the breastfeeding basics!Health Guru is a site that produces videos which provide medical advice in a number of areas: Pregnancy, Sex Health, and College Health. With the aid of Health Guru, you can understand your aches and pains, stay physically fit, keep a healthy diet, practice safe sex and prevent STD's, or carry out a...
While some women elect to have a cesarean section, most c-sections are performed because of pregnancy complications like a premature baby, labor difficulty, or exhaustion during childbirth. Learn more about how a c-section works, in this video!
70% of pregnant women have a vaginal delivery, where the baby is delivered through the mother's vagina. This method of childbirth is as time-tested as pregnancy itself. Learn more about the stages of labor and how vaginal delivery works, in this video!
Breathing through delivery pain sounds good, but will that Lamaze class really help you manage the pain during labor? What's an epidural really like? How else do pregnant women manage the discomfort of labor, delivery, and birth?
The mother's body can be the source of delivery complications like placenta previa or uterine rupture. If delivery problems do occur, your doctor can usually help you manage these childbirth complications with medication or an emergency cesarean section.Health Guru is a site that produces videos which provide medical advice in a number of areas: Pregnancy, Sex Health, and College Health. With the aid of Health Guru, you can understand your aches and pains, stay physically fit, keep a healthy...
Your baby is ready to be born - but there can still be problems with delivery. A breech birth, macrosomia, or cord prolapse can all require an emergency c-section. Be prepared for potential delivery problems in advance, by watching this video.
When you need a sling, and you need it now, this how-to video shows a way to make an emergency sling out of a sheet. Take a sheet and fold it in half lengthwise and wrap it around the shoulders. Tie a slip knot in the sheet. Then grab your baby. Watch this video infant care tutorial and learn how to make a quick and easy sling out of a sheet.
Some babies like to be carried on the hip, but arms can tire quickly, and most carriers function either to the front or back. This how-to video demonstrates the process of tying a hip cross carry out of a long baby wrap. Find the middle marker. Place the wrap behind you. Make one side of your cross the short side. Bring the longer side under the short side then around your back making a cross on your hip. The longer side is the tail. Make a slip knot around the tail on your shoulder. ...
Need a way to carry around your baby while keeping your arms free? No need to buy a special carrier, all you need is a sturdy cloth and the step-by-step instructions in this how-to video. Find the middle of your wrap. Center on the small of the back. Cross each length over opposite shoulder. Adjust for comfort. Take opposite ends in each hand and cross in the back. Tie a square knot in the front. Get your baby. Place each leg on either side of the cross. Spread the fabric out starting...
You have been waiting for your baby for nine months. Your due date has come and gone. Once a pregnancy has reached it's 42nd week the baby is officially overdue. This how-to video goes over some of the methods used to induce labor.
Every has heard about Braxton Hicks contraction, but how do you relieve them? If you're pregnant get tips on how to relieve the discomfort of Braxton Hicks contractions from this child birth how to video.
Many women worry that they won't be able to tell the difference between their Braxton Hicks contractions and the real signs of labor. Find out the differences between Braxton Hicks and real labor contractions with child brith tips from this how-to video.
Giving birth is a joyful but difficult time for many pregnant women. Learn about the stages of labor with tips from a certified doula in this free pregnancy video.
Labor pains are one of the most difficult parts of giving birth and pregnancy in general. Learn about pain control during labor with tips from a labor educator in this free pregnancy video series.
Contractions, water breaking, and the hormonal loop are all signs of a woman going into labor. Learn how to know if you're going into labor in this free video on pregnancy and childbirth.
Forget all the drugs used to induce you into labor. Our nine and a half month pregnant host demonstrates how to do induce labor naturally and safely by massaging pressure points. She also offers great yoga poses to do on a Swiss ball to reduce lower back aches. You don't have to stop your daily yoga routine during pregnancy.
Breathing properly helps to avoid tensing up during contractions and gives you something else to focus on, helping to distract from the pains of labor.
Maternity Acupressure is one of the natural ways to induce labor and delivery when your pregnancy is overdue and you want to avoid medical labor induction. Watch this how to video and learn how.
If you want to stay drug free for the birth of your baby, then you may want to consider watching this video and getting some tips on ways to relieve labor pain naturally.
Every pregnant woman can benefit from having helpers in the delivery room. Watch this video to see how dads and other labor coaches can provide support.
You've probably heard that breathing exercises can ease labor pain, but did you know that there are many other pain-relief techniques at your disposal. In this video learn: why you need support and how to put together a team, the reason you feel pain during labor and how your body copes naturally, how deep breathing works and how, why moaning, sighing, chanting, and other vocalizations can ease pain, visualization and relaxation techniques from women who've used them successfully.
Since you'll be recovering form childbirth yourself, you probably won't see these tests and procedures being performed on your own baby. Now's your chance to find out what the doctors will do so you can ask questions before the big day.
A quarter of all pregnant women deliver via cesarean section, yet most aren't prepared for it. Unless a c-section is needed for emergency reasons, the decision to undergo the procedure is a judgment call to be made by you and your doctor. Learn the risks and benefits of a cesarean delivery for you and your baby, and what questions to ask your doctor before agreeing to the surgery. e-mail